Making Swarf #3: Productive Pandemic

Too many zoom calls. Hacker Drinkup with a cube theme.

On Lockdown

Hadn’t used the P100 respirator since the fires last year

That was an interesting 3 months. I was planning on publishing weekly blogs but I had a lot in my life change very rapidly, so I took a break from writing. In the midst of bringing the garage shop online, starting a business formally ( ), and interviewing for jobs, a pandemic started and I got exposed to a friend who got the ‘rona. I’ve been on lockdown since (starting around Feb 28th). Luckily I never got sick, but now I’m busier than ever.

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Crunching the Numbers: Topics for Crypto Robots!

After the introduction for the Crypto Robots Course, I surveyed participants and industry folks to see what topics you the viewer would like covered in the lecture series.

The results are in! It seems like multidisciplinary and Computer science topics are most popular, followed by electrical engineering and complex mechanical engineering topics.

I’m going to prioritize the most interesting and popular topics first, but eventually swing back around to cover niche fields. Get excited! The next talk in the series is currently in the works, and tickets, slides, and other material will be posted at shortly!

Here are the Topic Average Scores by Discipline





See you there

  • Kyle