The far future. The year 2023.
It’s been a long road to get here. we had to orbit all the way around the sun.
What am I going to focus on this year? 4 goals for a fresh orbit.

Launch Flotilla – Our presence in space is expanding. Flotilla will leverage the fast moving launch market to establish industrial economic activity in space. I’ve formed the company and I’m working on laying the knots to fit the spline of the first ship.

Get in shape – a lot of people have this goal, and a tight ship makes fast time. I’m going to focus on caloric restriction of my diet, regular exercise (walking, biking), getting with every kind of doctor to do a comprehensive tune up of my bones. I already got off to a start here by investing in a strong healthcare plan and I’m getting back on calories tracking today. I use the app myfitnesspal to track meals and snacks. ( If anyone has a better recommendation, leave it in the comments, I haven’t tried too many apps for this yet)

Travel – I made a promise to myself that if the pandemic were to end I’d travel more. The last couple of years I’ve had amazing luck to have a really great company to help start, and I met Emily, my partner in crime, and those things have defocused this priority a bit. I still want to get out and see more of the world, so I’m reprioritizing this for 2023. I’ve got a camping trip on the books for the spring, and I’ll start domestic with a (yet unplanned) trip to NYC. I’m still considering international destinations, though Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and Britain all seem very intriguing to me as a starting list.
Keep my tools sharp – Time and again I fall back on the hard earned skills that allow me to do the work I enjoy most – building things, when times are tough or I’m bored. I want to work this year on keeping the blade sharp. Hand calcs, CAD, CAM, FEA, machining, welding, 3D printing, software development, testing, these are all skills I want to keep fresh. Whether it’s as a part of building Flotilla or side projects, I think being close to the hardware will always be my advantage in navigating the world. This year I want to do a project that challenges my current level of skill in each of these domains.
I want to hold myself to account for achieving each of these goals so I’ve put them out in the open. I’ll post updates on my progress in this blog as the year progresses.