Crypto Robots: Intro to Robotics Part I Video is Live.
Crypto Robots, CAD and Code
I’m starting a hands on lecture series called Crypto Robots, CAD and Code at Crashspace, your friendly local Los Angeles Hackerspace. Join in on the fun, learn a thing or two about how to make a sweet robot, sling some code, or crank out some CAD.
Space is limited, sign up here
– Kyle
New Projects!
Life is a journey.
I can’t stop watching this video, to all my friends and compatriots, the whole human race, you did great. Keep going.
I’m starting on a couple new projects that I’m pretty excited about. Normally I’ve got a single thread to maintain: either build a rocket, or a hyperloop. I’ve decided to give multi-tasking a try.

The first project is a rather interesting design feat that I can’t really talk about yet. Suffice to say, it should be a ton of fun, hardcore mechanical design, building of giant stuff and getting back to my robotics roots. Look forward to something later this year.

The other is a self started venture, as yet unnamed. I’m starting by building a machine shop, so I can develop products, master machining, and create a foundation for my engineering company that will take over the world. I’m working up a design for my first product. I’ll post development updates here.
Sunset Feb 26th 2018
Delta IV Heavy Vs Falcon Heavy
McMaster Rules! My Favorite Things.
McMaster-Carr is the single greatest website on the internet. Maybe you’ve heard of it. I figure my real first post should be about something great, so here you go.
You can get smoke bombs, witches hats, deadblow sledge hammers and everything in between. Bonus points: If you’re in LA, you can get same day delivery if you order in the AM, and it’s dirt cheap shipping.
Here are a couple items I’ve ordered over the years and fallen in love with.
Mitotoyo Harsh Environment Digital Calipers 12″ – These are my favorite calipers for day to day work in the field and in the shop. They’re pretty durable, can take a splashing of coolant, and are just the right size for a quick check to confirm most rectilinear dimensions / tolerances on machined parts and assemblies.
New Website!
I’m Kyle Cothern.
I’m a builder. I make, hack, and engineer things, both for fun and for work (and I burn!). I’ve built this website as a landing page where I can post content, engage with you ( random denizens of the internet ), catalog projects and announce new things.
Check back for more stuff!