Hello there, Kyle here.

It’s March 239th 2020. https://whatdayinmarchisit.com/
If going insane indoors wasn’t enough, my long time close friend and former roommate Justin Corwin died suddenly from a fast moving illness (not covid) on Thursday.

He was an amazing individual who had more knowledge in his brain than I’ll ever be able the cram in, and still, somehow he was always a humble servant to all around him, leading Crashspace’s officers as president and keeping it real as an engineer at Hyperloop and Disney Research. I could write a book on how incredible Justin was, and it still wouldn’t do him justice. He was still young (only a few years older than me) and his absence in my life will always leave a wide gaping hole moving forward. His kindness and generosity in life is something I can only hope to echo in his memory. Fair winds and following seas in what may come, you were a true friend Justin.
Continue reading “March Continues. Farewell, Justin.”