I’m starting a hands on lecture series called Crypto Robots, CAD and Code at Crashspace, your friendly local Los Angeles Hackerspace. Join in on the fun, learn a thing or two about how to make a sweet robot, sling some code, or crank out some CAD.
I can’t stop watching this video, to all my friends and compatriots, the whole human race, you did great. Keep going.
I’m starting on a couple new projects that I’m pretty excited about. Normally I’ve got a single thread to maintain: either build a rocket, or a hyperloop. I’ve decided to give multi-tasking a try.
I’m not building transmission towers on top of a mountain. But I do have time to visit now 😀
The first project is a rather interesting design feat that I can’t really talk about yet. Suffice to say, it should be a ton of fun, hardcore mechanical design, building of giant stuff and getting back to my robotics roots. Look forward to something later this year.
I’ll focus on the inexpensive machines first.
The other is a self started venture, as yet unnamed. I’m starting by building a machine shop, so I can develop products, master machining, and create a foundation for my engineering company that will take over the world. I’m working up a design for my first product. I’ll post development updates here.